Jewish Curiosity and the Value of Play
An excerpt from my recent Lehrhaus article on Jewish curiosity: Extensive research has established the fascinating connection between...
Nature of Torah
Jewish Curiosity and the Value of Play
A Rabbi Aboard the Ship of Theseus
Resurrecting the Mammoth
From Purim to Passover
Leviathan, the Divine Game, and Redemption
Moshe's Greatest Qualification
Letting Go
The Carrot Revolution
Introduction to the Perek Shira Project - Part IV
Introduction to the Perek Shira Project - Part III
Philo’s Torah of Daily Experience
Commanded to be Curious
Introduction to the Perek Shira Project - Part II
Introduction to the Perek Shira Project - Part I
Perek Shira: The Snake
A Divine Playfulness - Embracing the Torah’s Infinite Game